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Research Papers in Refereed Journals by Prof. C Varotsos


1. Research Papers in refereed Journals reported by SCI

  1. Zerefos C., Varotsos C. and Repapis C.: A note on the intercomparison between monthly mean radiance equivalent and rocketsonde temperatures, Arch. Meteorol. Geoph. Biocl. A, 32, 129-134, 1983.

  2. Lazaridou M. and Varotsos C.: Comments on the ionic conduction in KBr - KI mixed crystals, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 46, 5, 643, 1985.

  3. Varotsos C., Lazaridou M., Alexopoulos K. and Varotsos P.: Point defect entropies and enthalpies in KCl, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 130, K105-107, 1985.

  4. Varotsos C. and Lazaridou M.: Comment on the elastic constants of CaF2 - SrF2 mixed crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 129, K95-97, 1985.

  5. Varotsos C., Lazaridou M. and Varotsos P.: Migration and activation defect volumes in CdF2, Physical Review B, 32, 4, 2634-2635, 1985.

  6. Varotsos C., Lazaridou M., Alexopoulos K. and Varotsos P.: Comments on "the temperature and pressure dependence of disaccommodation in a Manganese Zinc Ferrite single crystal", J. Appl. Phys., 24, 6, 781, 1985.

  7. Varotsos P., Alexopoulos K., Varotsos C. and Lazaridou M.: Interconnection of point defect parameters in BaF2, Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, 88, K137-K140, 1985.

  8. Lazaridou M., Varotsos C., Alexopoulos K. and Varotsos P.: Point defect parameters of LiF, J. Phys: C. Solid State Phys., 18, 3891-3895, 1985.

  9. Varotsos P., Varotsos C., Hadjicontis V. and Lazaridou M.: On a plausible explanation of the connection of point defect parameters with the melting point, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 47, 1, 79-82, 1986.

  10. Varotsos C. and Eftaxias K.: Connection of activation volume and activation enthalpy with the bulk properties in olivine, LiBr and CsCl, Solid State Ionics, 20, 291-293, 1986.

  11. Varotsos C., Lazaridou M. and Varotsos P.: On the connection of the formation enthalpy of a Schottky defect in insulators with the Debye temperature, Radiation Effects, vol 2, 669-673, 1986.

  12. Varotsos P., Grammatikakis J., Eftaxias K. and Varotsos C.: Electrical properties of non-irradiated and X-irradiated LiH and LiD, Radiation Effects, 3, 599-604, 1986.

  13. Varotsos C. and Repapis C.C.: Seasonal variation of upper stratospheric and lower mesospheric temperature, Arch. Met. Geoph. Biocl. Ser. B-Theor. App. Phys., 36, 229-238, 1986.

  14. Varotsos C.: Further evidence of the 11-year solar cycle in Stratospheric - lower Mesospheric Ozone and Temperatures, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 38, 103-106, 1987.

  15. Varotsos C.: Notes on the design and operation of aerospace vehicles, Astrophysics and Space Science, 134, 205-208, 1987.

  16. Varotsos C.: Periodic variations in Stratospheric and low Mesospheric Zonal Wind in the two Hemispheres, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 38, 167-173, 1987.

  17. Varotsos C.: Quasi-stationary planetary waves and temperature reference atmosphere, Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 37, 297-299, 1987.

  18. Varotsos C.: Temperature trends in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere of the Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 39, 93-99, 1987.

  19. Eftaxias K., Varotsos C.and Hadjicontis V.: Migration volumes of PbF2 from recent elastic and expansivity data, Physical Review B, 37, 16, 9820-9823, 1988.

  20. Varotsos C., Hadjicontis V. and Eftaxias K.: Interconnection of the individual vacancy formation and pinning thermodynamic parameters in KCl, Solid State Ionics, 26, 11-13, 1988.

  1. Lazaridou M. and Varotsos C.: Defect formation and migration entropies in alkaline earth fluorides, Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, 105, K13, 1988.

  2. Hadjicontis V., Varotsos C. and Eftaxias K.: Comments on the diffusion of Ni and Ge in nickel, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 18, 1635-1640, 1988.

  3. Hadjicontis V., Varotsos C. and Eftaxias K.: Elastic moduli of BCC V-Ti, Mo-Nb and W-Ta alloys, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 18, 1133-1136, 1988.

  4. Varotsos C.: The temperature variations in the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere of the Northern Hemisphere, 1965-1981, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 41, 315-317, 1988.

  5. Varotsos C.: New results on the strato-mesospheric cooling of Northern hemisphere (1969-1978), Earth, Moon, and Planets, 41, 191-196, 1988.

  6. Eftaxias K., Varotsos C. and Hadjicontis V.: Cation vacancy migration entropy in alkali halides, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, 147, 83-88, 1988.

  7. Varotsos C., Eftaxias K. and Hadjicontis V.: Correlation of the diffusion coefficients of various elements diffusing in ferromagnetic and paramagnetic a-Fe, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 107, K109-114, 1988.

  8. Varotsos C.: Ozone and temperature fluctuations in the strato-mesosphere with solar activity, Astrophysics and Space Science, 146, 339-345, 1988.

  9. Eftaxias K., Varotsos C. and Hadjicontis V.: Correlation of the individual vacancy-formation parameters in NaCl, Physical Review B, Vol. 38, 1548-1549, 1988.

  10. Hadjicontis V., Eftaxias K. and Varotsos C.: Connection between the Birch equation of state and the Schottky formation volume in NaCl, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 50, 11, 1193-1194, 1989.

  11. Varotsos C.: Comment on connections between the 11-year solar cycle, the Q.B.O. and total ozone, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 51, 5, 367-370, 1989.

  12. Eftaxias K., Hadjicontis V. and Varotsos C.: Calculation of diffusion coefficients of Nitrogen in Vanadium, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Vol. 52, No. 3, 523-525, 1991.

  13. Varotsos C.A. and Deligiorgi D.G.: Connections between the U.S. National Temperature, the 10.7 cm Solar Flux and the Equatorial QBO, Theor. and Applied Clim., 43, N3, 159-60, 1991.

  14. Varotsos C.A. and Deligiorgi D.G.: Sea surface temperature and Southern Oscillation signal in the upper Stratosphere- Lower Mesosphere, International Journal of Climatology, 11, 77-83, 1991.

  15. Varotsos C. and Cartalis C.: Re-evaluation of surface ozone over Athens, Greece, for the period 1901-1940, Atmospheric Research, 26, 303-310, 1991.

  16. Varotsos C. and Cartalis C.: The role of quasi-stationary planetary waves in the retrieval of concentrations from satellite measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 18, No. 4, 681-684, 1991.

  17. Katsambas A., Ch. Antoniou, J. Stratigos, I. Arvanitis, F. Zolota, C. Varotsos, C. Cartalis and D.N. Asimakopoulos: A simple algorithm for simulating the solar ultraviolet radiation at the earth's surface: An application in determining the minimumerythemadose. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 53(3), 191-204, 1991.

  18. Varotsos C., Dris N. and Asimakopoulos D.: Terannual wave in the ozone and temperature in the Strato-Mesosphere as deduced from satellite measurements, Journal of Climate, 5, 2, 181-185, 1992.

  19. Asimakopoulos D., Deligiorgi D., Drakopoulos C., Helmis C., Kokkori K., Lalas D., Sikiotis D. and Varotsos C.: An experimental study of nighttime air-pollutant transport over complex terrain in Athens, Atmospheric Environment, 26B, 1, 59-71, 1992.

  20. Varotsos C. and Helmis C.G.: Deviations of the temperature models derived by remote and in situ sensing techniques for the global middle atmosphere, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13, 16, 3127-3133, 1992.

  21. Varotsos C., Cartalis C., Feidas H., Gerasi E. and Asimakopoulos D.N.: Relationship of ozone and its precursors in the west coast air basin of Athens: a statistical model for the assessment of air quality in an urban area, Atmospheric Research, 28, 41-47, 1992.

  22. Varotsos C., Helmis C. and Cartalis C.: Annual and semi-annual waves in ozone as derived from SBUV vertical global ozone profiles, Geophysical Research Letters, 19 (9), 925-928, 1992.

  23. Varotsos C.A., Dris N.A., Asimakopoulos D.N. and Cartalis C.: On the Relationship between the 10.7 cm Solar Flux, Surface Pressure and air temperature over Greece, Theor. and Applied Climatol., 46, N1, 27-32, 1992.

  24. Cartalis C., Varotsos C., Feidas H. and Katsambas A.: The impact of air pollution in an urban area on the amount of solar ultraviolet radiation at the surface, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 36, N 3-4, 195-203, 1992.

  25. Varotsos C.A and Cracknell A.P.: Ozone depletion over Greece as deduced from Nimbus-7 TOMS measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 14, 11, 2053-2059, 1993.

  26. Varotsos C., Varinou M. and Kalabokas P.: Atmospheric ozone concentration at Athens, Greece. Part I: Surface ozone and its relationship with meteorological parameters, Atmospheric Research, 30, 143-149, 1993.

  27. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P. and Chronopoulos G.: Atmospheric ozone concentration at Athens, Greece. Part II: Vertical ozone distribution in the troposphere, Atmospheric Research, 30, 151-155, 1993.

  28. Vlassi A., Varotsos C. and Kalabokas P.: Oscillation des quatre mois de l'ozone total en Europe Centrale, Publications de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, Vol. 6, 467-474, 1993.

  29. Kalabokas P., Vlassi A. and Varotsos C.: Serie historique des donnes d'ozone au niveau du sol pour la region d' Athens, Grece (1931-1940), Publications de l’ Association Internationale de Climatologie, Vol. 6, 631-638, 1993.

  30. Sakellariou N., Asimakopoulos D., Varotsos C. and Capsocha O.: Prevailing Cloud Types in Athens, Theor. Applied Climatol., 48, 89-100, 1993.

  31. Varotsos C.: Thermodynamic properties of defects in H2O-ice, NaCl, NaBr crystals on the basis of bulk elastic data for atmospheric implications, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 38, N3-4, 157-162, 1993.

  32. Varotsos C.: Thermodynamic properties of alkali-halide crystals: Implication for sea salt particles in polluted marine areas, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 38, N 3-4, 201-205, 1993.

  33. Varotsos C.: On the role of solid NaCl in polluted marine urban areas, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 41, N3-4, 135-138, 1994.

  34. Varotsos C., Asimakopoulos D.N., Κatsambas A. and Stratigos J.: On the ozone-related changes in biologically active ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 41, N1-2, 9-13, 1994.

  35. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P. and Chronopoulos G.: Stratosphere-Troposphere ozone exchange at Athens, Greece. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 44, Ν3-4, 211-216, 1994.

  36. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P., Vlassi A., Katsambas A., Stratigos J. and Antoniou C.: The biologically active ultraviolet radiation in relation to the surface ozone and the wind field, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 44, Ν3-4, 233-242, 1994.

  37. Varotsos C.: On the role of solid NaBr in the atmosphere after the eruption of alkalic volcanoes, Toxicolog. and Environmental Chemistry, 42, N3-4, 209-213, 1994.

  38. Varotsos C., Tsiachris D., Asimakopoulos D.N., Katsambas A., Stratigos J. and Antoniou C.: Measurements of solar ultraviolet-B radiation in Greece, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 46, 11-18, 1994.

  39. Varotsos C.: Decrease in biologically active ultraviolet radiation due to tropospheric ozone increase, Toxic. Env. Chemistry, Vol. 45, 173-178, 1994.

  40. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Temporal variations of the total ozone content over St. Petersburg, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 46, 19-29, 1994.

  41. Jacovides C.P., Varotsos C., Kaltsounides N.A., Petrakis M. and Lalas D.P.: Atmospheric turbidity parameters in the highly polluted site of Athens basin, Renewable Energy, Vol. 4, N5, 465-470, 1994.

  42. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P. and Cracknell A.P.: Intercomparison of ozone models derived by remote and in situ sensing techniques with recent local measurements at middle latitudes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, 9, 1933-1939, 1994.

  43. Varotsos C.: Solar ultraviolet radiation and total ozone, as derived from satellite and ground-based instrumentation, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 17, 1787-1790, 1994.

  44. Cracknell A.P. and Varotsos C.: Comments on "Linke and Unsworth-Monteith turbidity parameters in Athens". by H. D. Kambezidis, D. H. Founda and N. S. Papanikolaou (January B, 1993, 119, 367-374), Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 120, 1105-1106, 1994.

  45. Cartalis C. and Varotsos C.: Surface ozone in Athens, Greece, at the beginning and at the end of the twentieth century, Atmospheric Environment, Part A-General Topics, Vol. 28, No. 1, 3-8, 1994.

  46. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P. and Chronopoulos G.: Association of the laminated vertical ozone structure with the lower-stratospheric circulation, J. Applied Meteorology, 33, 4, 473-476, 1994.

  47. Varotsos C., Kalabokas P. and Chronopoulos G.: Comparison of vertical ozone profiles as deduced from remote sensing and in-situ sensing techniques, International Journal of Remote Sensing - Letters, 15, 5, 1155-1160, 1994.

  48. Varotsos C., Vlassi A., Chronopoulos G. and Cracknell A.: Annual, semi-annual and terannual waves in total ozone as derived from TOMS data at the subtropics, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, 7, 1531-1536, 1994.

  49. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Three years of total ozone measurements over Athens obtained using the remote sensing technique of a Dobson spectrophotometer, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, 7, 1519-1524, 1994.

  50. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Remote sounding of minor constituents in the stratosphere and heterogeneous reactions of gases at solid interfaces, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, 7, 1525-1530, 1994.

  51. Reid S. J., Vaughan G., Mitchell N.J., Prichard I.T., Smit H.J., Jorgensen T.S., Varotsos C. and de Backer H.: Distribution of ozone laminae during EASOE and the possible influence of inertia-gravity waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 13, 1479-1482, 1994.

  52. Cracknell A.P., Varotsos C. and Asimakopoulos D.N.: On the total ozone depletion over Greece derived from satellite-flown and ground-based instruments, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, No 16, 3285-3293, 1994.

  53. Cracknell A.P. and Varotsos C.: Ozone depletion over Scotland as derived from Nimbus-7 TOMS measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, No. 13, 2659-2668, 1994.

  54. Kondratyev K.Y., Varotsos C.A. and Cracknell A.P.: Total ozone amount trend at St. Petersburg as deduced from Nimbus - 7 TOMS observations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, No. 13, 2669-2677, 1994.

  55. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: On the accuracy of total ozone measurements made with a Dobson spectrophotometer in Athens, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 15, No 16, 3279-3283, 1994.

  56. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Atmospheric greenhouse effect in the context of global climate change, Il Nuovo Cimento, 18C, 2, 123-151, 1995.

  57. Von der Gathen P., M. Rex, N. R. P. Harris, D. Lucic, B. M. Knudsen, G. O. Braathen, H. De Backer, R. Fabian, H. Fast, M. Gil, E. Kyro, I. S. Mikkelsen, M. Rummukainen, J. Staehelin and C. Varotsos: Observational evidence for chemical ozonedepletion overthe Arctic in winter 1991–92. Nature, 375(6527), 131, 1995.

  58. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y. and Katsikis S.: On the relationship between total ozone and solar ultraviolet radiation at St. Petersburg, Russia, Geophysical Res. Letters, Vol. 22, 24, 3481-3484, 1995.

  59. Kondratyev K.Y., Pokrovsky O.M. and Varotsos C.A.: Atmospheric ozone trends and other factors of surface ultraviolet radiation variability, Environmental Conservation, Vol. 22, N3 259-261, 1995.

  60. Varotsos C.A. and Cracknell A.P.: Ozone Depletion and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Impacts on Human Health and Ecosystems-A case study of Mediterranean Region, Athens, Greece 9-10 April 1994, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 4, 763-764, 1995.

  61. Varotsos C.: Editorial: 1st International Symposium on Ozone Depletion and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Impacts on Human Health - A case study of the Mediterranean Region, Int Journal of Remote Sensing, 16, 10, 1745-1746, 1995.

  62. Varotsos C.: The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Laboratory of Meteorology, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1743-1744, 1995.

  63. Varotsos C.: On the correction of the total ozone content over Athens, Greece as deduced from satellite observations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1771-1776, 1995.

  64. Varotsos C.A., Cracknell A.P., Sakellariou N.K. and Lykoudis S.P.: On the statistical analysis of the ozone depletion over Greece, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1829-1837, 1995.

  65. Varotsos C.A.: Vertical ozone simulation in the middle atmosphere, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 34, 5, 132-138, 1995.

  66. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Total ozone variations over Greece as deduced from satellite observations, Geom. and Aeronomy, Vol. 34, No. 5, 139-144, 1995.

  67. Varotsos C.A., Chronopoulos G.J., Katsikis S. and Sakellariou N.K.: Further evidence of the role of air pollution on solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16, No 10, 1883-1886, 1995.

  68. Chandra S. and Varotsos C.A.: Recent trends of the total column ozone: implications for the Mediterranean region, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1765-1779, 1995.

  69. Sakellariou N., Varotsos C.A. and Lykoudis S.P.: On the intercomparison of satellite and ground-based observations of prevailing cloud types over Athens, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1799-1804, 1995.

  70. Gernandt H., Goersdorf U., Claude H. and Varotsos C.A.: Possible impact of polar stratospheric processes on mid-latitude vertical ozone distributions, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1839-1850, 1995.

  71. Retalis A., Cartalis C. and Varotsos C.A.: An analysis of the distribution of nitrogen dioxide in South-Eastern Mediterranean for the period 1985-1989, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1897-1903, 1995.

  72. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Volcanic eruptions and global ozone dynamics,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1887-1895, 1995.

  73. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Ozone dynamics over Greece as derived from satellite and in situ measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1777-1798, 1995.

  74. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Atmospheric ozone variability in the context of global change, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 10, 1851-1881, 1995.

  75. Varotsos C., Cracknell A., Sakellariou N., Katsikis S., Chronopoulos G. and Kassomenos P.: On the SO2, NO2 interferences in total ozone measurements made with the Dobson spectrophotometer No. 118 in Athens, International Journal of Remote Sensing,16,(10), 1805-1813, 1995.

  76. Sakellariou N., Asimakopoulos D., Eutaxias G., Kalamatianou A., Varotsos C.A.and Katsikis S.: Measurements of the spectral components of direct normal solar radiation over Athens, Int Journal of Remote Sensing, 16, 10, 1815-1828, 1995.

  77. Cracknell A. P. and Varotsos C.A.: The present status of the total ozone depletion over Greece and Scotland: a comparison between Mediterranean and more northerly latitudes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No 10, 1751-1764, 1995.

  78. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: The role of clouds on the solar ultraviolet radiation, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 47, 77-82, 1995.

  79. Varotsos C.: Simulation of broad-band and spectral solar ultraviolet radiation, Int. J. Solar Energy, 16, 203-216, 1995.

  80. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Simulation ozone model in the middle atmosphere of the northern midlatitudes, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 48, 11-29, 1995.

  81. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Temporal variations of the total ozone content over Greece as deduced from satellite observations, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 48, 1-9, 1995.

  82. Varotsos C.: On the association between the column ozone and the spectral solar ultraviolet radiation, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 50, 119-130, 1995.

  83. Varotsos C., Alexandris D., Chronopoulos G., Katsambas A., Antoniou C. and Stratigos J.: Association of the vertical ozone structure with the solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 52, 121-127, 1995

  84. Varotsos C., Voudouri A., Katsambas A. and Ghosh S.: Monitoring UV radiation using polysulphone film badges at two different sites, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 54, 211-217, 1996.

  85. Ghosh S., Varotsos C. and Alexandris D.: O3 destruction by clouds: observational and theoretical studies over Athens, Greece, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 57, 63-78, 1996.

  86. Varotsos C., Cracknell A.P., Kaltsounidis N.A. and Jacovides C.P.: The use of TOMS data in the calculation of atmospheric turbidity parameters, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 17, No. 2, 399-403, 1996.

  87. Chandra S., Varotsos C. and Flynn L.E.: The mid-latitude total ozone trends in the northern hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 23, No. 5, 555-558, 1996.

  88. Psiloglou V., Santamouris M., Varotsos C. and Asimakopoulos D.N.: A new parameterization of the integral ozone transmission, Solar Energy, Vol. 56, No. 6, 573-581, 1996.

  89. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Global total ozone dynamics. Impact on surface solar ultraviolet radiation variability and ecosystems. Part I: Global ozone dynamics and environmental safety, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res.3, 3, 153-157, 1996.

  90. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Global total ozone dynamics. Impact on surface solar ultraviolet radiation variability and ecosystems. Part II: Dynamics of Atmospheric Chemical Composition: The Role of Remote Sensing, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res., Vol.

  91. Gusten H., Heinrich G., Monnich E., Weppner J., Cvitaš T., Klasinc L., Varotsos C.A and Asimakopoulos D.N.: Thessaloniki '91 Field Measurement Campaign-II. Ozone formation in the greater Thessaloniki area, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1115-1126.

  92. Katsambas A., Varotsos C., Veziryianni G. and Antoniou C.: Surface Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: A theoretical approach of the SUVR reaching the ground in Athens, Greece, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res., 4 (2), 69-73, 1997.

  93. Varotsos C. and Feretis E.: Health effects on human eye resulting from the increased ambient solar ultraviolet radiation, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol 61, 43-68, 1997.

  94. Ghosh S., Varotsos C. and Alexandris D.: Some further calculations on the uptake of HCl by stratospheric sulphate aerosol droplets, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 59, 31-41, 1997.

  95. Reid S.J., M. Rex, P. von der Gathen, I. Floisand, F. Stordal, G. D. Carver,L. A. Beck, L. De Haan, E. Reimer, R. Kr(ger-Carstensen, E. Kyro, F. M. O’ Connor, G. O. Braathen, V. Doronkhov, H. Fast M. Gil, Z. Litynska. N. Molineux, Ravegnani F.,G. Murphy, C.& Braathen, G. A study of ozone laminae using diabatic trajectories, contour advection and photochemical trajectory model simulations. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 30(1), 187-207, 1998.

  96. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: Total ozone depletion over Greece as deduced from satellite observations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 19, No. 17, 3317-3325, 1998.

  97. Varotsos C., Ghosh S., Chronopoulos G., Katsikis S. and Cracknell A.P.:Total ozone measurements over Athens: Intercomparison between Dobson, TOMS (v 6) and SBUV measurements, Int J Remote Sens, 19, 17, 3327-3333, 1998.

  98. Efstathiou M., Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: An estimation of the surface ultraviolet irradiance during an extreme Total Ozone minimum, Journal of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 68, 171-176, 1998.

  99. M. Rex, P. von der Gathen, N. R. P. Harris, D. Lucic, B. M. Knudsen, G. O. Braathen, S. J. Reid, H. De Backer, H Claude, R. Fabian, H. Fast, M. Gil, E. Kyro, I. S. Mikkelsen, M. Rummukainen, H.G. Smit, J. Staehelin, C. Varotsos, I. Zaitcev: In-situ measurements of stratospheric ozone depletion rates in the Arctic Winter 1991/92: A Lagrangian Approach, J. Geophys. Res., V 103, D5, 5843-5853, 1998.

  100. Katsambas A.D., Katoulis A.C., Varotsos C.: Sun education in Greece, Clin. Dermatology, 16, 525-526, 1998.

  101. Varotsos C., Chronopoulos G., Cracknell A.P., Johnson B.E., Katsambas A. and Philippou A.: Total ozone and solar ultraviolet radiation as derived from satellite and ground-based instrumentation at Dundee Scotland, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 19, No. 17, 3301-3305, 1999.

  102. Varotsos C., Katsikis S. and Cracknell A.P.:On the influence of stray light on the total ozone measurements made with Dobson spectrophotometer No. 118 in Athens, Greece,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 17, 3307-3315, 1999.

  103. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Total and tropospheric ozone changes: observations and numerical modelling, Il Nuovo Cimento C, 22, (2), 219-246, 1999.

  104. Varotsos C., Alexandris D., Chronopoulos G.: On the role of the lower-stratospheric circulation to the vertical ozone structure, Phys. Chem. Earth PT C 24 (5): 481-485, 1999.

  105. Alexandris D., Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y. and Chronopoulos G.: On the altitude Dependence of Solar effective UV, Phys.Chem.Earth(C), 24, N5 515-517, 1999.

  106. Sakellariou N., Catsambas A., Feretis E., Varotsos C. and Chronopoulos G.: The role of the cloud optical thickness in the attenuation of the solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground; Implications to the human health impacts, Tox. Envir. Chemistry", Vol. 69, 381-393, 1999.

  107. Varotsos C., Feretis E. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Impact of total ozone variability on surface solar ultraviolet radiation change. Implication for occular damage, Tox Env. Chem., 71, 13-19, 1999.

  108. Ghosh S. and Varotsos C.: On the uptake of O3 into aerosol and water droplets over Athens, Greece, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 68, 117-131, 1999.

  109. Adamenko V.N., Kondtratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Arctic Climate Empirical Diagnostics: a contribution to the climate change debate, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (IDOJARAS), vol. 103, No.4, p. 219-235, 1999.

  110. Schulz, A., M. Rex, J. Steger, N. Harris, G.O. Braathen, E. Remein, R. Alfier, A. Beck, M. Alpers, J. Cisneros, H. Claude, H. De Bakter, H. Dier, V. Dorokhov, H. Fast, S. Godin, G. Hansen, H. Kanzawa, B. Kois, Y. Kondo, E. Kosmidis, E. Kyro, Z. Litynska, M.J. Molyneux, G. Murphy, H. Nakane, C. Parrondo, F. Ravegnani, C. Varotsos, C. Vialle, P. Viatte, V. Yushkov, C. Zerefos, P. Von der Gathen: Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996/97: High stratospheric ozone loss rates correlate with low temperatures deep inside the polar vortex, Geophys. Res. Let., Vol. 27, No 02, p.205-208, 2000.

  111. Ziemke J.R., Chandra S., Herman J. and Varotsos C.: Erythemally weighted UV trends over northern latitudes derived from Nimbus 7 TOMS measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 105, D6, 7373-7382, 2000.

  112. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y. and Cracknell A.P.: New evidence for ozone depletion over Athens, Greece, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 21, No. 15, 2951-2955, 2000.

  113. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y., Alexandris D., Chronopoulos G.: Aircraft observations of the vertical gradient of biologically effective ultraviolet radiation,Radiation Prot. Dos. 91 (1-3): 161-163, 2000.

  114. Varotsos C., Feretis H., Kondratyev K.Y., Efstathiou M.: Human eye diseases resulting from SUVR exposure, Radiation Prot. Dos. 91 (1-3): 25-27, 2000.

  115. Ziemke J.R., Chandra S., Herman J., Varotsos C.: Erythemal weighted ultraviolet trends over northern latitudes,Radiation Prot. Dos. 91 (1-3): 157-160, 2000.

  116. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Global Tropospheric Ozone Dynamics, Part I: Tropospheric Ozone Precursors, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res, 8, No.1, 57-62, 2001.

  117. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Global Tropospheric Ozone Dynamics, Part II: Numerical Modelling of Tropospheric Ozone Variability, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res, 8, No.2, 113-119, 2001.

  118. Schulz A., M. Rex, P., N.R.P. Harris, G.O. Braathen, E. Reimer, R. Alfier, L. Kilbane-Dawe, S. Eckermann, M. Allaart, M. Alpers, B. Bojkov, J. Cisneros, H. Claude, E. Guevas, J. Davies, H. De Backer, H. Dier, V. Dorokhov, H. Fast, S. Godin, B. Johnson, B. Kois, Y. Kondo, E. Kosmidis, E. Kyro, Z. Litynska, I.S. Mikkelsen, M.J. Molyneux, G. Murphy, H. T. Nagai, Nakane, F. O’Connor, G. Ρarrondo, F.J. Schmidlin, P. Shrivankova, C. Varotsos, G. Vialle, P. Viatte, V. Yushkov, C. Zerefos, and P. von der Gathen: Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions:Match observations in 97/98 and 98/99, J. Geophys. Res.106, D 7495-7503, 2001.

  119. Varotsos C., Alexandris D., Chronopoulos G. and Tzanis C.: Aircraft observations of the solar ultraviolet irradiance throughout the troposphere, J. Geophys. Res., 106 (D14): 14843-14854 JUL 27 2001.

  120. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y. and Efstathiou M.: On the seasonal variation of the surface ozone in Athens, Greece, Atmospheric Environment, 35, 315-320, 2001.

  121. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Review article: Remote sensing and global tropospheric ozone observed dynamics, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, No. 1, 159-178, 2002.

  122. Varotsos C.: Climate Change problems and carbon Dioxide Emisions: Expecting ‘Rio+10’, Feature in ESPR - Environ Sci & Pollut Res 9 (2), 97-98, 2002.

  123. Feretis E., Theodorakopoulos P., Varotsos C., Efstathiou M., Tzanis C., Xirou T., Alexandridou N., Aggelou M.: On the plausible association between environmental conditions and human eye damage, Environ Sci & Pollut Res 9 (3), 163-165, 2002.

  124. Varotsos C.: The southern hemisphere ozone hole split in 2002, Environ Sci & Pollut Res., 9 (6), 375-376, 2002.

  125. Efstathiou M.N., Varotsos C.A., Singh R.P., Cracknell A.P. and Tzanis C.: On the longitude dependence of total ozone trends over middle-latitudes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No. 6, 1361-1367, 2003.

  126. Varotsos C.: What is the Lesson from the Unprecedented Event over Antarctica in 2002?. ESPR - Environ Sci & Pollut Res., 10 (2), 80-81, 2003.

  127. Varotsos C.A., Efstathiou M.N., Kondratyev K.Y.: Long-term variation in surface ozone and its precursors in Athens, Greece - A forecasting tool, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res 10 (1): 19-23 2003.

  1. Varotsos C.: Why did a "no-ozone-hole" episode occur in Antarctica?,EOS, Trans., American Geophysical Union 84(19), 183, 2003.

  2. Varotsos C.: Major sudden warming and strange twist of the ozone hole over Antarctica in 2002, Europhysics News 34/2, 66-67, 2003.

  3. VarotsosC.: On the unprecedented event of the Antarctic ozone hole split in 2002, World Resource Review 15:2, 483-492, 2003.

  4. Varotsos C.: Atmospheric pollution and remote sensing: implications for the Southern hemishere ozone hole split in 2002 and the Northern mid-lattitude ozone trend, Adv. Space Res. 33 (3): 249-253, 2004.

  5. Varotsos C., Cartalis C., Vlamakis A., Tzanis C. and Keramitsoglou I.: The long-term coupling between column ozone and tropopause properties, J Climate 17 (19): 3843-3854 OCT 2004.

  6. Varotsos C.: The Extraordinary Events of the Major, Sudden Stratospheric Warming, the Diminutive Antarctic Ozone Hole, and its Split in 2002, Environ Sci & Pollut Res, 11 (6), 405-411, 2004.

  7. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A.P.: New features observed in the 11-year solar cycle, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, No. 11, 2141-2157, 2004.

  8. Varotsos C.: News on the Antarctic Ozone Hole, Environ. Sci. & Pollut. Res 12 (6): 322-322, 2005.

  9. Varotsos C.: Airborne measurements of aerosol, ozone, and solar ultraviolet irradiance in the troposphere, J Geophys. Res-Atmos 110 (D9): art. no. D09202 2005.

  10. Varotsos C., Ondov J., Efstathiou M.: Scaling properties of air pollution in Athens, Greece and Baltimore, Maryland, Atmos. Environ. 39 (22): 4041-4047, 2005.

  11. Ferm M., De Santis F., Varotsos C.: Nitric acid measurements in connection with corrosion studies, Atmos. Environ. 39 (35): 6664-6672 2005.

  12. Varotsos C.: Power-law correlations in column ozone over Antarctica, Int J Rem. Sens. 26 (16): 3333-3342 AUG 2005.

  13. Varotsos C.:Modern computational techniques for environmental data; Application to the global ozone layer, Lect. Notes Comput. Sc. 3516: 504-510 2005.

  14. Zerefos,C., Nastos P., Balis D., Papayannis A., Kelepertsis A., Kanellopoulou E., Nikolakis D., Eleftheratos K., Thomas W. and VarotsosC.: A Complex study of Etna’s volcanic plume from ground-based, in situ and space-borne observation, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, No. 9, 1855-1864, 2006.

  15. Varotsos C., Ondov J., Cracknell A.P. and Efstathiou M.: Long-range persistence in global Aerosol Index dynamics, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, No. 16, 3593-3603, 2006.

  16. Ferm M., Watt J., O’Hanlon S., De Santis F. and Varotsos C.: Deposition Measurement of Particulate Matter in connection with Corrosion Studies, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 384, 1320-1330, 2006.

  17. Varotsos C and Kirk-Davidoff D., Long-memory processes in ozone and temperature variations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 4093-4100, 2006.

  18. Varotsos C., Assimakopoulos M.N. and Efstathiou M., Long-term memory effect in the atmospheric CO2 concentration,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 629-634, 2007.

  19. Cracknell A. and Varotsos C., The Antarctic 2006 ozone hole(Editorial),Int J Remote Sens,28, 1-2, 1-2, 2007.

  20. Cracknell A. and Varotsos C., Fifty years after the first artificial satellite: from SPUTNIK 1 to ENVISAT (Editorial),IJRS 28 (10) 2071-2072, 2007.

  21. Varotsos C. and Cracknell A., Validation of ENVISAT (SCIAMACHY) versus DOBSON and TOMS atmospheric ozone measurements at Athens, Greece: Input for the upcoming IPY campaign, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 28, No. 10, 2073-2075, 2007.

  22. Cortesi U. et al Geophysical validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT operational ozone data. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7 (18): 4807-4867, 2007.

  23. Cracknell A. and Varotsos C., The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and the Fiftieth Anniversary of Sputnik, (Commentary) Env. Science & Pollution Res., 14 (6), 384-387, 2007.

  24. Christodoulakis J., Tzanis C. and Varotsos C., Standardisation of the Athens Dobson spectrophotometer versus Reference Dobson 064, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, 2008.

  25. Tzanis C., Varotsos C and Viras L., Impacts of the solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 on the surface ozone concentration, the solar ultraviolet radiation and the meteorological parameters at Athens, Greece,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8 (2), 245-250, 2008.

  26. Varotsos C., Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Efstathiou M.and Tzanis C., Scaling effect in planetary waves over Antarctica,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2697-2704, May, 2008.

  27. Varotsos C., Tzanis C., Tsitomeneas S., Assimakopoulos M.N. and Mammis A.,Surface Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance and Total Ozone during summertime,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2667-2673, 2008.

  28. Varotsos C., Cracknell A.P., Tzanis C., Tsitomeneas S. and Viras L.,Association of the Vertical Ozone Structure with the Lower-Stratospheric Circulation,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2685-2695, May, 2008.

  29. Tzanis C. and C. Varotsos, Tropospheric Aerosol Forcing of Climate in Greece, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2507-2517, May, 2008.

  30. Sukov A., Soldatov V.Y.U., Krapivin V.F., Cracknell A.P. and Varotsos C.A.:A Sequential Analysis Method for the Prediction of Tropical Hurricanes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2787-2798, May, 2008.

  31. Varotsos C., Efstathiou M. and Tzanis C., Scaling behaviour of the global tropopauseAtmos. Chem. Phys.,9(2),677-683, 2009.

  32. Varotsos C., Tzanis C. and Cracknell A.:The enhanced deterioration of the cultural heritage monuments due to air pollution, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,16 (5),590-592, 2009.

  33. Tzanis C., Varotsos C., Ferm M., Christodoulakis J., Assimakopoulos M.N. and Efthymiou C.: Nitric acid and particulate matter measurements at Athens, Greece, in connection with corrosion studies, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,9(21), 8309-8316, 2009.

  34. Tzanis C., Tsivola E., Efstathiou M. and Varotsos C.:Forest Fires Pollution Impact on the Solar UV Irradiance at the Ground,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18(11A), 2151-2158, 2009.

  35. Tzanis C., Varotsos C.A., Asimakopoulos D.N and Cracknell A.P.:Surface ultraviolet radiation and ozone content in Europe as indicators of environment quality,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30,15-16,4123-4143,2009.

  36. Tzanis C., Christodoulakis J., Efstathiou M. and Varotsos C.:Comparison of the Athens Dobson spectrophotometer with World Standard Instruments, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 30, No. 15-16,3943-3950, 2009.

  37. Efstathiou M.N., Tzanis C. and Varotsos C.A.:Long-term memory dynamics of total ozone content,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 30,No.15-16,3897-3905,2009.

  38. Cracknell A.P. and Varotsos C.A:The contribution of remote sensing to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the monitoring of its success,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 30,No.15-16, 3853-3873, 2009.

  39. Efstathiou M.N. and Varotsos C.: On the altitude dependence of the temperature scaling behaviour at the global troposphere, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 31,No.2,343-349,2010.

  40. Varotsos C. and Zellner R.: A new modeling tool for the diffusion of gases in ice or amorphous binary mixture in the polar stratosphere and the upper troposphere,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3099-3105,2010.

  41. Tzanis C., Theodorakopoulou K., Theodorakopoulos P. and Varotsos C.: Tsunamis among the natural disasters. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (8), 1385-1403, 2010.

  42. Varotsos C.A., Cracknell A.P. and Tzanis C.: Major atmospheric events monitored by deep underground muon data, Remote Sensing Letters 1 (3), 169 - 178, 2010.

  43. Eleftheratos K, Zerefos CS, Gerasopoulos E, Isaksen ISA , Rognerud B, Dalsoren S. and Varotsos C.: A note on the comparison between total ozone from Oslo CTM2 and SBUV satellite data.Int J Rem Sens 32, 9, 2535-2545, 2011.

  44. Cracknell AP, Varotsos CA.: New aspects of global climate-dynamics research and remote sensing Preface, International Journal of Remote Sensing 32   Issue: 3, 579-600, 2011

  45. Eleftheratos K, Zerefos CS, Varotsos C. et al.:Interannual variability of cirrus clouds in the tropics in El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) regions based on International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) satellite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (21), 6395-6405, 2011.   

  46. Tzanis, C.; Varotsos, C.; Christodoulakis, J.; et al.: On the corrosion and soiling effects on materials by air pollution in Athens, Greece, Atmos. Chem.& Phys. 11   (23),12039-12048, 2011.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Cracknell, A. P.; Tzanis, C.: Major atmospheric events monitored bydeepunderground muon data (vol 1, pg 169, 2010) Remote Sensing Letters   2 (2) 175, 2011

  2. Efstathiou, M. N.; Tzanis, C.; Cracknell, A. P.; et al.New features of land and sea surface temperature anomalies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 11, 3231-3238, 2011.

  3. Varotsos, C. Efstathiou, M.; Tzanis, C; et al. On the limits of the air pollution predictability: the case of the surface ozone at Athens, Greece, Environ Sci. Pollut. Res : 19  (1)  295-300, 2012.

  4. Varotsos, C. A.; Cracknell, A. P.; Tzanis, C. The exceptional ozone depletion over the Arctic in January-March 2011, Rem. Sens. Lett.: 3  (4)  343-352, 2012.

  5. Efstathiou, M.; Tzanis, C.; Varotsos, C.; et al.The gutenberg-richter law for earthquakes in air pollution episodes: A case study for Athens, Greece, ACTA GEOPHYSICA  60  (1)  280-290, 2012.

  6. Varotsos, C. A.; Tzanis, C., .A new tool for the study of the ozone hole dynamics over Antarctica, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 47   Pages: 428-434, 2012

  7. Efstathiou, M N.; Varotsos, C A, Intrinsic properties of Sahel precipitation anomalies and rainfall, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 109   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 627-633, 2012.

  8. Varotsos, C.; Ondov, J.; Tzanis, C.; et al.An observational study of the atmospheric ultra-fine particle dynamics, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 59   Pages: 312-319   Published: NOV 2012.

  1. Krapivin, V F.; Soldatov, V Yu; Varotsos, C A.; et al., .An adaptive information technology for the operative diagnostics of the tropical cyclones; solar-terrestrial coupling mechanisms, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS 89   Pages: 83-89, 2012

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Efstathiou, M. N.; Cracknell, A. P. On the scaling effect in global surface air temperature anomalies, ATMOS CHEM AND PHYSICS   13   Issue: 10   Pages: 5243-5253,  2013.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Melnikova, I; Efstathiou, M N.; et al., 1/f noise in the UV solar spectral irradiance, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 111  Issue: 3-4   Pages: 641-648, 2013.

  1. Efstathiou, M N.; Varotsos, C A., On the 11 year solar cycle signature in global total ozone dynamics, METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS  Volume: 20   Issue: 1   Pages: 72-79, 2013.

  1. Varotsos, C. A The global signature of the ENSO and SST-like fields, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 113   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 197-204   Published: JUL 2013.

  1.  Varotsos, CA.; Efstathiou, M N.; Cracknell, A P., Plausible reasons for the inconsistencies between the modeled and observed temperatures in the tropical troposphere, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS  : 40  (18)   Pages: 4906-4910, 2013. 

  1. Varotsos, C A.; Melnikova, I; Efstathiou, M N.; et al. On the 1/f noise in the UV solar spectral irradiance, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 114   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 725-727, 2013.

  1. Varotsos, CA.; Efstathiou, M. N. Is there any long-term memory effect in the tropical cyclones?THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 114   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 643-650,  2013.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Melnikova, I. N.; Cracknell, A. P.; et al., New spectral functions of the near-ground albedo derived from aircraft diffraction spectrometer observations, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS  Volume: 14   Issue: 13   Pages: 6953-6965   Published: 2014.

  1.  Varotsos, C. A.; Ondov, J. M.; Efstathiou, M. N.; et al. The local and regional atmospheric oxidants at Athens (Greece) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH  21  4430-4440, 2014.

  1. Varotsos, C A.; Franzke, C L. E.; Efstathiou, M N.; et al. Evidence for two abrupt warming events of SST in the last century, THEOR & APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  116,  1-2,  51-60   Published: APR 2014

  1.  Varotsos, C.; Christodoulakis, J.; Tzanis, C.; et al. Signature of tropospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide from space: A case study for Athens, Greece, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 89, 721-730   2014.

  1. Cracknell, A. P.; Varotsos, C. A. Satellite systems for atmospheric ozone observations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING  3, 15,  5566-5597, 2014.

  1. Cracknell, A P.; Varotsos, C A.; Timofeyev, Y M, Remote sensing of atmospheric radiation and dynamics PREFACE, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING  35, 15    5563-5565  2014.

  1. Varotsos, C.; Ondov, J.; Tzanis, C.; et al.An observational study of the atmospheric ultra-fine particle dynamics (vol 59, pg 312, 2012), ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 94: 817-817   2014.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Lovejoy, S.; Sarlis, N. V.; et al. On the scaling of the solar incident flux, ATMOS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS  Volume: 15   Issue: 13   Pages: 7301-7306   Published: 2015

  1. Christodoulakis, J.; Varotsos, C.; Cracknell, A. P.; et al. An assessment of the stray light in 25 years of Dobson total ozone data at Athens, Greece,ATMOS MEASUR TECHNIQUES  8, 7, 3037-3046   2015.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Efstathiou, M. N.; Cracknell, A. P. Sharp rise in hurricane and cyclone count during the last century, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  Volume: 119   (3-4),: 629-638, 2015.

  1. Varotsos, C A.; Efstathiou, M N. Symmetric scaling properties in global surface air temperature anomalies,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  121   Issue: 3-4,  767-773, 2015.

  1. Varotsos, C; Tzanis, C; Efstathiou, M; et al. Tempting long-memory in the historic surface ozone concentrations at Athens, Greece,ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH   6,  1055 -1057,  2015

  1. Varotsos, C A.; Tzanis, C G.; Sarlis, N V. On the progress of the 2015-2016 El Nino event, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS  Volume: 16   Issue: 4   Pages: 2007-2011,  2016

  1. Lovejoy, S; Varotsos, C Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcings EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS   7  (1)   Pages: 133-150, 2016.

  1. Varotsos, C. A.; Tzanis, C.; Cracknell, A. P. Precursory signals of the major El Nino Southern Oscillation eventsTHEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY  124  (3-4). 903-912, 2016

  1. Krapivin, V F.; Varotsos, C A.; Christodoulakis, J Mission to Mars: Adaptive Identifier for the Solution of Inverse Optical Metrology TasksEARTH MOON AND PLANETS   118   (1)   Pages: 1-14, 2016

  1. Varotsos, C A.; Mazei, Y A.; Burkovsky, I; et al. Climate scaling behaviour in the dynamics of the marine interstitial ciliate communityTHEOR APPL CLIMATOL   125  (3-4),  439-447,  2016.

  1. Varotsos, C A., and Ghosh, S. Impacts of climate warming on atmospheric phase transition mechanisms. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2016.

  1. Krapivin, V F.; Varotsos, C A. Modelling the CO2 atmosphere-ocean flux in the upwelling zones using radiative transfer toolsJ ATMOS AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS 150, 47-54, 2016

  1. Christodoulakis, J; Tzanis, C G.; Varotsos, C A.; et al. Impacts of air pollution and climate on materials in Athens, Greece Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 Issue: 1, 439-448 Published: JAN 10 2017

  1. Krapivin, V. F., Varotsos, C. A., & Soldatov, V. Y. The Earth’s Population Can Reach 14 Billion in the 23rd Century without Significant Adverse Effects on SurvivabilityInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 14(8), 885; 2017 doi:10.3390/ijerph14080885

  1. Krapivin, V. F., Varotsos, C. A., & Soldatov, V. Y. Simulation results from a coupled model of carbon dioxide and methane global cycles. Ecological Modelling, 359, 69-79, 2017. 

  1. Varotsos, C. A., Efstathiou, M. N., & Cracknell, A. P. On the temporal evolution of the tropical stratospheric ozone. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 157, 1-5. 2017

  1. Varotsos, C. A., & Efstathiou, M. N. On the wrong inference of long-range correlations in climate data; the case of the solar and volcanic forcing over the Tropical Pacific. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 128(3-4), 761-767, 2017

  1. Varotsos, C. A., Efstathiou, M. N., & Cracknell, A. P. On the association of aerosol optical depth and total ozone fluctuations with recent earthquakes in Greece. Acta Geophysica : 65 (4),  659-665,  Publ: AUG 2017.

  1. Krapivin, V. F., Varotsos, C. A., & Soldatov, V. Y..Simulation results from a coupled model of carbon dioxide and methane global cycles. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING  359, 69-79   Published: SEP 2017.

  1. Krapivin, V. F., Varotsos, C. A., & Nghia, B. Q. ,A Modeling System for Monitoring Water Quality in Lagoons. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION  228  (10)   Article Number: 397   Published: OCT 2017.

  1. Varotsos, C. A. & Ghosh, S. Impacts of climate warming on atmospheric phase transition mechanisms. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY 130 (3-4), 1111-1122   Publ NOV 2017

  1. Krapivin, V. F. & Varotsos, C. A. Nature-society system survivability model: Simulations of the principal natural and anthropogenic processes. ENVIRON DEVEL  24, 170-178   Publ DEC 2017.

  1. Varotsos, C. A. & Efstathiou, M. N. The observational and empirical thermospheric CO2 and NO power do not exhibit power-law behavior; an indication of their reliability. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS  168   Pages: 1-7   Published: MAR 2018.

  1. Krapivin, V. F., Varotsos, C. A., & Marechek, S. V. The Dependence of the Soil Microwave Attenuation on Frequency and Water Content in Different Types of Vegetation: an Empirical Model. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION  Volume: 229   Issue: 4     Article Number: 110   Published: APR 2018. 

  1. Varotsos, C.A.Sarlis, N.V.Efstathiou, M.On the association between the recent episode of the quasi-biennial oscillation and the strong El Niño event.Theoretical and Applied Climatology 133(1-2), pp. 569-577, 2018.

  1. Christodoulakis, J.Varotsos, C.A.,Cracknell, A.P.Kouremadas, G.A. The deterioration of materials as a result of air pollution as derived from satellite and ground based observations. Atmospheric Environment, 185, pp. 91-99, 2018.

  1. Varotsos, C.A.Cracknell, A.P.Efstathiou, M.N.The global signature of the El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation.International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13 (in press).


2. Research Papers in refereed Russian Journals

  1. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Annual, semi-annual and seasonal ozone variations for the St. Petersburg area as derived from TOMS data, Studing the Earth from Space, 5, 18-26, 1993.

  2. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Ozone depletion over St. Petersburg region as deduced from Nimbus-7 TOMS observations, Doklady Akad. NAUK, 331, N5, 622-24, 1993.

  3. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Changes in solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground due to tropospheric and stratospheric ozone variations, Earth Research from Space, 12, N1, 3-9, 1994.

  4. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Athens environmental dynamics: From a rural to an urban region, Optics of the Atmosphere and Ocean, 7, N3, 346-362, 1994.

  5. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Mean zonal temperature field in the global middle atmosphere and its periodicity, Earth Research from Space, N2, 3-13, 1994.

  6. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y., Katsambas A., Stratigos J. and Antoniou C.: On the risk of human skin from the solar ultraviolet radiation, Doklady Akad. NAUK, Vol. 338, N2, 262-263, 1994.

  7. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Interrelationship between Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Total Ozone Content: Observations in Greece, Optics of the Atmosphere and Ocean 8, 4, 608-613, 1995.

  8. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: The Tropospheric Pollution and the Solar Ultraviolet Radiation, Optics of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Vol. 8, No 4, 614-618, 1995.

  9. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: On the underestimation of the total ozone in the region of Athens (Greece) obtained from satellite observations, Doklady Akad. NAUK., 340, No. 2, 247-249, 1995.

  10. Kondratyev K.Y., Asimakopoulos D.N. and Varotsos C.: European Ecodynamics in the Context of Global Change, Earth Research from Space, 4(3), 243-255, 1995

  11. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Variability of Total Ozone in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer of Athens, Doklady Akad. NAUK, Vol. 344, No. 3, 385-386, 1995.

  12. Kondratyev K.Y., Varotsos C.A. and Fedchenko P.P.: Global total ozone dynamics, its impact on surface solar ultraviolet radiation variability and ecosystems, Earth Research from Space, 5, N4, 228-239, 1995.

  13. Varotsos C., Ghosh S., Katsambas A., Katsikis A., Kondratyev K.Y., Siokis D. and Chronopoulos G.: On the level of illumination by ultraviolet solar radiation of flying crews in a cabin, Doklady Akad. NAUK, v 348/3, 387-389, 1996.

  14. Varotsos C., Ghosh S. and Kondratyev K.Y.: On the uptake of ozone by aerosol particles and cloud droplets under Athens atmospheric conditions, Doklady Akad. NAUK, 1996,v. 347, N 5, 677-680.

  15. Varotsos C., Ghosh S., Katsikis S., Kondratyev K.Y. and Cracknell A.P.: Intercomparison of the observation data for total ozone content with the use of satellite and surface observations (the Athens city as an example), Earth Obs. Rem. Sens., Vol 4, 18-23, 1996.

  16. Borrell P., Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Key problems of chemistry and photochemistry of the troposphere: the completion of the first phase of EUROTRAC, Ecol Chemistry, 7 (1), 1-12, 1997.

  17. Varotsos C., Kondratyev K.Y. and Chronopoulos G.: On total ozone content decrease in middle latitudes of Northern hemisphere from satellite observations data in Athens region (Greece), Doklady Akad, NAUK, 355, N1, 104-105, 1997.

  18. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: The potential interconnection between the vertical ozone concentration distribution in mid-latitudes and processes in the polar stratosphere, Doklady Akad. NAUK, Vol.360, No.1, p. 107-110, 1998.

  19. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Total Ozone Dynamics in mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, Doklady Akad. NAUK, Vol. 359, No.6, 1998

  20. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: The impact of lower stratospheric circulation on the vertical distribution of ozone concentration: a case study of Athens, Greece, Doklady Akad. NAUK, 360, No.3, 394-396, 1998

  21. Varotsos C. and Kondratyev K.Y.: Vertical profiles of ultraviolet solar radiation in the troposphere, Doklady Akad.NAUK Vol. 360, No.2, 254-256, 1998.

  22. Varotsos C. and K. Ya. Kondratyev: An experience of complex interpretation of remote sensing and in-situ ozone observation data, Earth Research from Space, 4, 3-13, 1998.

  23. Kondratyev K. Y. and Varotsos C.A.: Investigation of tropospheric ozone in Europe, Ecological Chemistry, 9, 3-9, 2000.

  24. Kondratyev K.Y. and Varotsos C.: Observed and calculated variability of SUVR due to TOZ variations, Studying the Earth from Space, No 2, 23-36, 2000.

  25. Varotsos C.A. and Krapivin VF: Modeling the COatmosphere-ocean flux in the upwelling zonesReports of the Moscow A. S. Popov  Scientific-Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications.  Ser "Ecoinformatiсs Problems", Issue XII, Moscow, 2016, pp. 17-26.

  26. Krapivin V.F., Varotsos C.A.Cracknell A.P.and  Soldatov V.Y.:Constructive methodology for the tropical cyclone monitoring, Reports of the Moscow A. S. Popov  Scientific-Technical Society of Radio Engineering Electronics & Communications.  Ser "Ecoinformatics Problems", Issue XII, Moscow, 2016, 191-198