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Professor Costas VAROTSOS

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Professor Varotsos Costas is a Full Professor in Atmospheric Physics at the Dept. of Environmental Physics and Meteorology of the Faculty of Physics and Dean of the School of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Since 1989 he teaches Atmospheric and Environmental Physics and Chemistry, which are also the main topics of his research interests (e.g., Remote Sensing, Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry, Environmental Change, Non-linear Processes). He has established four international research Laboratories in the Department of Environmental Physics of NKUA. He has published 11 Books-monographs of SPRINGER, more than 300 research papers inrefereed journals and contributed with specific chapters to 6 more international books in the fields of Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry, and Environmental Change. Also, he has published2 Books-monographs of CRC Taylor and Francis and Matrix Rom, 5 university books in Greek in the field of Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry. He is Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow (elected) of the Royal Meteorological Society (Oxford, UK) and full Member (elected) of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hanover, Germany). He is a member or complimentary member of several scientific societies including the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union and the European Geophysical Union. He has coordinated or participated in more than 50 large international research competitive projects, funded by International Organizations (e.g. European Commission, ESA, NATO, WMO). He has been appointed as Specialty Chief Editor of "Frontiers in Environmental Science" of the NATURE Publishing Group (since 2013), Editor of the “International Journal of Remote Sensing” of T&F (since 2006), Editor of the “Remote Sensing Letters” of T&F (since 2013), Editor of the "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" - Section Environmental Engineering and Public Health of MDPI (since 2017), Editor of the "Big Earth Data", sister journal of “Int J Dig Earth” (Chinese Academy of Sciences) (T&F) (since 2017), Adviser of the “Environmental Science and Pollution Research” (2007-2009), Guest Editor of a number of refereed international Journals and member of the Editorial board in several International Journals indexed in Web of Science. He is also a reviewer of various Journals, EU, UN,US Scientific Proposals and Reports. His papers have received more than 16,000 citations, with H-index = 71 in Google Scholar. In particular, his contribution to the understanding of the Antarctic ozone hole split in 2002 has been reported as highlight by the United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP) (http://www.unep.ch/ozone/pdf/the-southern-hemisphere-ozone-hole-split-2002.pdf) and by Thomson ISI as "Hot Paper" (http://www.esi-topics.com/nhp/2006/march-06-CostasVarotsos.html) in the field of Ecology / Environment. The above-mentioned work has been announced by Press Release ofThomson Scientific and has also been cited by the Polar Icebreakers in a Changing World: An Assessment of U.S. Needs (2006), (http://books.nap.edu/openbook/0309103215/html/R1.html) National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington DC. Additionally, his contribution to the exploration of the scaling dynamics in global atmospheric ozone and temperature has been identified (http://archive.sciencewatch.com/dr/erf/2011/11augerf/11augerfVaro/) (August 1, 2011) by Thomson-ISIas “Emerging Research Fronts Paper” in the field of Geosciences. He has been awarded the gold A.S. Popov medal of the Russian A.S. Popov Society, the RADI Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the MOST/ESA Award. He has also been awarded the recognition of Outstanding Reviewer from Elsevier (e.g. JQSRT: Sept 2017, Atmos. Env.: Feb 2018, JASTP: March 2018, ISPRS: April 2018) et al.

Monographs and Books by Prof. C. Varotsos

1. MonographsPublished by Springer

(Data from: http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n97037562, with number of Editions)


1. Kondratyev, K.Ya. & Varotsos, C.A. (2000). Atmospheric ozone variability: implications for climate change, human health and ecosystems.London: Springer 624 pages, ISBN: 1-85233 635-8

(9 editions published in English and held by 183 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


7. Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2007). Globalisation and sustainable development:  environmental agendas. Chichester: Springer 336 pages, ISBN: 978-3-540-70661-8

(21 editions published in English and held by 504 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


2. Kondratyev, K.Ya., Grigoryev, A.A. & Varotsos, C.A. (2002). Environmental disasters: anthropogenic and natural. Chichester: Springer 528 pages, ISBN: 3-54043-303-1

(8 editions published in English and held by 260 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


8. Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2008). Biogeochemical cycles in globalization and sustainable development. Chichester: Springer. 600 pages, ISBN: 978-3-540-75439-8

(16 editions published in English and held by 445 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


3. Kondratyev, K.Ya., Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2003). Global carbon cycle and climate change. Chichester: Springer 392 pages, ISBN: 3-540-00809-8

(10 editions published in English and German and held by 275 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


9. Cracknell, A.P., Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2008). Global climatology and ecodynamics:
anthropogenic driven changes to planet Earth. Chichester: Springer, 566 pages, ISBN: 978-3-540-78208-7

(18 editions published in English and held by 449 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)

4. Kondratyev, K.Ya., Krapivin, V.F., Savinykh, P. & Varotsos, C.A. (2004).  Global ecodynamics: a multidimensional analysis.Chichester: Springer 723 pages, ISBN: 3-540-20476-8

(2 editions published in German and English and held by 59 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


10. Cracknell, A.P. & Varotsos, C.A. (2012). Remote sensing and atmospheric ozone: human activities versus natural variability. Springer 662 pages, ISBN: 978-3-642-10334-6

(14 editions published in English and held by 405 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)


5.  Kondratyev, K.Ya., Ivlev, L.S., Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2005). Atmospheric aerosol properties: formation processes, and impacts. Springer 608 pages, ISBN: 3-540-26263-6

(20 editions published in German and English)


11. Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A. & Soldatov, V.Yu. (2015). New ecoinformatics tools in environmental science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 924 pages, ISBN: 978-3-319-13977-7

(10 editions published in English and held by 262 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)

6. Kondratyev, K.Ya., Krapivin, V.F. & Varotsos, C.A. (2006). Natural disasters as interactive components of global ecodynamics. Chichester: Springer 616 pages, ISBN: 978-3-540-31344-1

(18 editions published in English and held by 557 WorldCat member libraries worldwide)



Each of the aforementioned international books (SPRINGER Monographs) was published after peer-review of 6 reviewers.


2. Monographs published by CRC (Taylor & Francis), etc


1. Varotsos, C.A., Nitu, K., Krapivin, V.F., (2018). Global Ecoinformatics; Theory and Applications. MATRIX ROM, 062510 (https://www.matrixrom.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/GE4.pdf)   2. Cracknell, A.P., & Varotsos, C.A., (2019). Observing Global Climate Change (Second Edition). Taylor and Francis Ltd, London UK, Bristol USA. (First Edition by K. Ya Kondratyev & Craknell A.P.)

3. Monographs published in Greek

1. Varotsos C. & Karras G. (1997). Introductory Notes on the Physics of the Atmosphere, Athens, 210 pages, EKPA Publ.

2. Kondratyev, K. Ya. & Varotsos C. (1999). Environmental Physics and Chemistry. Vol.1: Radiation - Greenhouse - Climate Change, Athens. 190 pages, Travlos Publ.
3. Varotsos C. (2008). 1rst Edition (2001)Atmosphere and Aviation. Current environmental Problems. Health and Airline Flight2nd Edition: Atmosphere and Aviation. Athens, 444 pages, Symmetria Publ. 4. Varotsos C. (2011). Specific Chapters on Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry: Applications to the Climate System, Athens. 580 pages, Symmetria Publ. 


4. Chapters in International Books


1. Tropospheric Ozone Research: Tropospheric Ozone in the Regional and Sub-regional Context. Spatial and temporal variability of tropospheric ozone over Europe, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Οystein H. (Ed), 1997.

2. The determination of geophysical parameters from Space (pp. 261-282), 24. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publ. N.E. Fancey, I.D. Gardiner & R.A. Vaughan (Eds.), 1997

3. Physical processes in the coastal zone: computer modeling and remote sensing: (pp. 199-220) CRC Press, A.P. Cracknell & E.S. Rowan, 1999.

4. Atmospheric ozone dynamics: observations in the Mediterranean region. NATO ASI Series, Series I: Global Environmental Change, 53, Berlin: Springer-Verlag & NATO Scientific Affairs Division Varotsos C (Ed), 2013.(also, New Scientist, 145,  p 49)

5. Remote sensing and global climate change (pp. 253-268). NATO ASI Series, Series I: Global Environmental Change, vol. 24. Berlin: Springer-Verlag & NATO Scientific Affairs Division, R.A. Vaughan & A.P. Cracknell (Eds.), 2013.

6. Atmospheric ozone: modelling and validation with satellite data F W Taylor, I M Vardavas, K.Y Kondratyev, C. Varotsos; P Barge, P Ehrenfreund; H Kochan Series: Physics and chemistry of the earth., Part C,, Solar-terrestrial and planetary science ; v. 24, no. 5 EGS Publ. Oxford : Pergamon, 1999