- Non-linear Dynamics of the Remotely Sensed Atmospheric Data and Modelling; Implications to Climate & Earth System Science; Case studies for Athens (Greece) and Beijing (China). DRAGON 3, Project Id. 10529, University of Athens, 2013-2016, Dr. Yong Xue SMIEEE CPhys, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The objective of the project is to explore the temporal and spatial variability of aerosol optical depth and atmospheric ozone content as they are considered crucial atmospheric parameters for the dynamics of the Earth’s climatic system. The investigation is performed by utilizing modern tools of non-linear analysis.
- Elaboration of Technologies for Diagnosis of Tropical Hurricanes Beginning in Oceans with Remote Sensing Methods. ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) Project No.3827, University of Athens, 2007-2012, Russian Academy of Sciences/Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics/Fryazino Branch, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"/Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica.
The main aim of the project is elaboration of technologies for diagnosis of the tropical hurricanes beginning in thoseoceanic areas, where the tropical hurricanes are observed most frequently, basing on the data of monitoring from: DMSP satellites, satellites METEOR 3M and EOS Aqua, measurements from vessels and buoys, mathematical modelling of the ocean-atmosphere system parameters.
- UN ECE ICP, International co-operative Programme on Effects on Materials, including Historic and Cultural Monuments, University of Athens, 2005-on going. Few of the collaborators: Swerea KIMAB AB, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), CENIM – National Centre for Metallurgical Research.
The primary objective is to collect information on corrosion, soiling and environmental data in order to evaluate dose/response functions and trend effects on various materials. The developed dose/response functions has several uses including calculation of acceptable corrosion rates and pollution levels, mapping areas of increase risk of corrosion, calculation of corrosion costs due to air pollution.
- Atmospheric aerosol sources enquiry; Study of the impacts of aerosol loading on human, environment and materials. European Space Agency, 2014-2016, University of Athens – ESA.
The goal of this study is the investigation of aerosol impacts on human, environment and materials. Satellite data are going to be used in order to identify and parameterize those impacts. In addition, aerosol loading changes are going to be studied in an effort to reveal unknown sources and/or mechanisms which contribute to these changes.
- MATCH Ozone Campaign
Match Campaigns started as a key contribution to the International Polar Year 2007-2008 to conduct measurements of ozone loss in the stratosphere. The idea of Match is to probe the ozone content of air parcels twice during their way through the atmosphere. This is achieved by coordinating the soundings roughly in the following way (http://www.atmo-projects.net/match/manual.html):
The trajectories (transport paths) of air masses, which had been measured by ozonesondes previously, are analysed and forecasted by meteorologists at the FU Berlin.
These trajectories are checked for cases when such an air mass reaches the vicinity of one of the participating measuring sites (ozonesonde station) within 10 days.
The staff at the ozonesonde station gets informed and is asked to launch an ozonesonde in order to examine the same air mass for a second time.
A decrease in the ozone concentration within the time period of the two sonde flights can then be attributed to chemical ozone depletion. Due to the great number of sonde pairs, statistically significant ozone loss rates can be determined.
The contribution of the Athens University Group is illustrated in the following (http://epic.awi.de/cgi/search/simple?id=14&L=0&q=varotsos)